Search Results - franklyn+howe

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Quasi-Diffusion Imaging, a Novel and Improved Quantitative MRI Method
MRI method that allows faster data acquisition with lower noise and higher accuracy, with application in stroke, brain tumours and dementia Background MRI technology has revolutionised healthcare and is currently the leading method for clinical and research studies of the brain and other biological systems. Worldwide, there are more than 50,000...
Published: 6/21/2024   |   Updated: 4/20/2022   |   Inventor(s): Thomas Barrick, Franklyn Howe
Category(s): Brain, Clinical software, Diagnostic, Imaging, Magnetic resonance imaging
Tissue-type Mapping of Brain Tumours with MRI
­This invention provides a novel method of analysing MRI data of a tumour in order to determine the tumour type. Background Glial tumours are the most common primary brain tumour and exhibit a heterogeneous infiltrative growth pattern. Although biopsies are still key to assessing tumour type and grade, they do not provide a full 3D picture of...
Published: 10/14/2022   |   Updated: 11/12/2021   |   Inventor(s): Franklyn Howe, Thomas Barrick, Felix Raschke
Category(s): Cancer, Brain, Imaging, Tumour, Radiotherapy
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